Nelson-Griggs District Health Unit is a Cribs for Kids® distribution location. Cribs for Kids® is a safe-sleep education and distribution program for families to help reduce the risk of injury and death of infants due to unsafe sleep environments. The program addresses specific situations dealing with socioeconomic issues such as crib affordability and cultural practices such as bed-sharing and secondhand smoke.
We can assist the public with car seat needs. State provided car seats can be distributed to the public according to North Dakota Health and Human Services and the North Dakota Department of Transportation guidelines.
Nelson-Griggs District Health Unit is an approved Baby Safe Haven location. The Baby Safe Haven Law allows for a parent or parent’s agent (another person acting with the parent’s consent), who feel they are unable to take care of their baby, to surrender the baby without facing prosecution for abandonment. To be protected by the Baby Safe Haven Law, the baby must be unharmed, under one year of age, and surrendered to an on-duty staff person working for a Baby Safe Haven-approved location.
Nelson-Griggs District Health Unit’s Fast Fuel initiative aims to make it fast and easy for concession customers at school sporting events to select foods and beverages that provide the best “fuel” for athletes, families and fans.